Domenico Crocco

Fiscal Policy as an Instrument of the Government Regulation of Economic Activities. In particular: Public Spending necessary for the Satisfaction of the Needs of the Community

Contents: 1. Premise. – 2. The Budget Law. – 3. Tax Revenues and Public Spending. – 3.1. Public Revenues. – 3.2. Public Spending. – 4. The Sensitive Topic of the Financing for Public Spending. – 5. The Reasons of the Growth in Public Spending and the so-called “Social Safety Finance”- 6. Some Remedies for Containment of Public Spending and related Criticality Profiles. – 7. Conclusions.




La gravissima crisi economica di livello mondiale degli ultimi anni ha acuito l’esigenza di indagare sugli strumenti giuridico-economici dell’amministrazione pubblica dell’economia alla ricerca di un miglioramento della loro efficacia.

L’analisi delle due componenti principali della politica economica: spesa pubblica e entrate fiscali, costituisce il necessario punto di partenza per lo studio critico-teorico dei meccanismi tecnici prescelti dallo Stato (democratico) in un determinato momento storico.

A loro volta, le dinamiche istituzionali, l’iter di costruzione della legge di bilancio e le entrate fiscali rappresentano dei tasselli di un quadro logico-analitico utile per comprendere le cause dell’aumento della spesa pubblica e, nel contempo, per la ricerca dei rimedi per il contenimento della stessa e la definizione della c.d. “Finanza della sicurezza”. 


The very serious global economic crisis of the last years has exacerbated the need to investigate the legal-economic instruments of Government regulation of economic activities looking for an improvement in their effectiveness.

The analysis of the two main components of economic policy: public spending and tax revenues, represents the necessary starting point for the critical-theoretical study of the technical mechanisms chosen by the (democratic) State at a given historical moment.

In their turn, the institutional trends, the process of the construction of the budget law and the fiscal revenues represent the elements of a logical-analytical framework useful for understanding the causes of the increase in public spending and, at the same time, for the search of remedies for its containment and the definition of the so-called “finance of social safety”.